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Why Keonekai?
There are other condominium complexes even closer than Keonekai to the water. Why Keonekai? We’ve got a couple VERY good reasons:
• No Vacation Rentals – Keonekai Villages does not allow vacation rentals. This means that all occupants are long-term residents. Keonekai is much quieter than vacation rental units.
• Less Expensive – Condominiums that are closer to the water cost more due to their location. Is it worth spending loads more for a spot that’s literally only 2 minutes closer of a walk to the water? We don’t think so. They’re also more expensive because most of those complexes are vacation rentals.
• Higher in Elevation – Though not much higher, we feel the additional elevation allows us to reap the rewards of cool breezes more so than the complexes next to the water.
• Not Popular Street – Keonekai Road does not have a stop light at South Kihei Road or on the Piilani Highway. We like this because most people choose to use other roads rather than ours. It makes it easier for us to get in and out of the property.
• No Heavy Foot Traffic – Having a condo closer to South Kihei Road means you see more foot traffic. We like that our street is quiet. When we want to see people, we go to them.