Hana is one of the few places in Hawaii where the land and the culture has remained almost untouched for hundreds of years. Travel the Road to Hana and arrive in the past.
The Land
Much of the land in Hana Town is used for farming or raising cattle and other livestock. Ownership is divided into large parcels, which for the most part have been owned by the same families for generations.
The Economy
Tourism shares a tiny percentage of the economy in Hana, so the town people are generally not all that open to visitors coming through. But, because of tourist van tours and descriptive guide books, Hana sees a regular flow of tourists coming through.
While in Hana, be respectful and make sure to contribute to the local economy by purchasing the banana bread and getting supplies at the local general store.
Their economy mostly relies on farming and cattle, but a portion of Hana residents work in Kahului town by making the long drive each day. This is why we suggest being very careful with your driving to and from Hana. The locals know the road backwards and forwards and are comfortable driving a lot faster than you. If anyone is driving fast behind you, pull off somewhere safe and let them pass.
The Road to Hana is considered to be one of the most beautiful drives in the world. They’re right! On it, you’ll pass waterfall after waterfall, drive through lush rainforest, and cruise along rugged volcanic coastline.
This is one of the most beautiful and pristine places in the world.
Read more about The Road To Hana>
Hana Grinds
• Hana Ranch Store – They have the most amazing chili. Try their chili rice bowl and put a dab of mayo on it. It sounds odd, but it will make your day. Keep in mind that it will blow a hole through you later on.
• Ka’uiki – Ono grinds are served for breakfast, lunch and dinner over at the Travaasa Experiential Resort in Hana Town.
• Banana Bread – There are many banana bread stands along the way. They are owned and operated by local families. The bread is fresh and delicious (some stands have to bake hundreds per day). Buy an extra one to munch on later in the week. You’ll thank us.
Hana Camping
East Maui offers some of the best campgrounds on the island. With epic sunrises and only a short walk, hike or drive to waterfalls, beaches and bamboo forests, we highly recommend spending at least one night in Hana. Go to Maui Camping for camping equipment rentals, rooftop camping vehicle packages and even guided camping trips around the island.